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A new challenge for the Miraglia brothers, from today even closer to consumers!

Working with the land has taught us that everything changes and that every change can and must be the right opportunity to grow and improve.

We feel the responsibility to continue our history, committing ourselves for over 5 generations to the transparency and quality of the best table olives.

Starting from this premise, we are excited to announce that we have just completed the re-branding and corporate innovation project to bring the company even closer to the end consumer, started in 2018 and which will conclude towards the end of 2019.

Perseverance and our love for the countryside are what have allowed us to grow, expanding our production which features the best olive cultivars sought and harvested around the world; some used exclusively by us. In the meantime, the requests of our customers have pushed us towards the production of those garden products that today, like never before, are objects of maximum attention in a world that is increasingly discovering itself…intolerant and attentive to vegetable products, which, due to their characteristics, prove to be healthy and wholesome.

Ci siamo quindi trovati in poco meno che quattro anni a constatare che l’immagine che ci rappresentava era ormai diventata desueta e non più rappresentativa.

Il nostro precedente brand era rappresentato da un’oliva animata che, con un sacchettino sulla spalla viaggiava alla ricerca di…se stessa. Nel 2018 è partito un nuovo ed importante progetto di re-branding globale, volto a trasmettere “il passaggio ad una nuova era aziendale” in cui Miraglia Olive comunica l’evoluzione dell’azienda, innovando ma lasciando inalterati i valori e le tradizioni fondanti del brand.

Legati alle nostre tradizioni ma sempre con uno sguardo rivolto al futuro, quindi.

Over the course of almost 100 years we have overcome every adversity, always looking to the future, to defend the variety and quality of Italian products and to convey to the consumer our passion for that excellent product that is the olive, inherent in our culinary tradition for centuries, involving him in every phase of the supply chain, from the selection of the best Mediterranean cultivars, to the harvest, to the processing up to the moment in which the olives arrive on the tables enriching them with beauty and flavor.

Miraglia Olive has always been enthusiastic about making its knowledge and experience available to all those who want to know more.

In this regard and with great pride, we announce the launch of the website that wants to represent more and more and together with the various active social channels, the right opportunity to open a direct channel with the consumer, who will finally be able to discover how much good, refined and complex there is behind “a simple olive”: research, passion, commitment and dedication.

A job that, every day, is rewarded by the awareness of making you taste healthy, genuine and natural products, making us proud to be able to represent the Italian gastronomic tradition all over the world.

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